Friday, February 5, 2016

Updates on the Littles

Little man is going to be starting baseball soon and I have to admit, I am SUPER excited. He thrives in sports and through all of the practices and games his confidence grows. He continues to improve in school. The other day he was walking through the house reading a book! You read that right, He was reading a book on his own and laughing throughout it! This is BIG you guys, BIG! Legos continue to be his escape. I should take some pictures of his creations and post them for you all. He makes things in five minutes that I would have trouble making in four hours.

Beautiful butterfly continues to travel through mountains and valleys, but she is making progress. Our poor girl has been through so much in her life and it is overwhelming for her. I pray for her all the time and work hard to make her feel loved. I thrive on those moments filled with smiles, giggles, and silliness and I pray that one day those type of moments will outweigh the hard moments. On a happier note, she loves gymnastics. I think she probably does 500 carwheels everyday, no exaggeration. Even more than gymnastics, she loves to curl up with a good book. These days, I tend to see her walking around the house with Miss Junie B. Jones in hand.

Peanut is still doing her gymnastics. She practices the splits all the time. She is determined! She is also learning to read. Her favorite books right now are Biscuit books. She even took one to school and read it for her class. She was so proud of herself. She then said, "Mommy, the teacher made me do the 'woof woofs,'" as she looked up at me with her little look. I said, "Honey, you have to read it all." She then says, "Mommy I really don't like those woof woofs." What a little personality she has. She also likes to sing songs in the shower that have words, such as, "Washing, washing, washing, washing all those stinkies off." This is all while she is shaking her hips and bobbing her head. Oh, I love how she makes me laugh.

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  1. :-) So sweet... I don't like reading the "woofs" in Biscuit books either... totally get it!

  2. I love Biscuit books! When my son was little, I would read the text, and he would read the woofs! :)

  3. Thanks for the comments. Biscuit books are great!


Updates on the Littles

Our knight is growing so fast! I cannot believe he will be eleven this year! He loves sports. He just finished basketball and will be start...